Lino Farrugia, the CEO of the Maltese Federation for Hunting & Conservation (FKNK) – by the way I think they should rename their federation – has sent following letter to “daddy” parliament secretrary Jose Herrera complaining on the posts on Facebook of two elected local councilors:
On 21 Jan 2015, at 21:13, “[email protected]”
<[email protected]> wrote:
For the attention of Mayor Stefan Cordina
Dear Sir,
We refer to above captioned subject matter and on behalf of the
Federation for Hunting & Conservation – Malta (FKNK) we have to lodge
a strong protest with regards the relative postings/comments which can
be found on hereunder link:
We are aware that any person in his personal capacity can have and
voice his opinion with regards the upcoming 11 April referendum,
however, we believe that the Attard Local Council Vice-Mayor, Marco
Spiteri, and Councillor, Ralph Cassar, have acted unethically, if not
also illegally, when they posted/commented with regards the referendum
on the Attard Council official Facebook Page.
Hopefully, you can resolve this situation at your earliest.
Thank you for your attention.
Yours sincerely,
Lino Farrugia
It is evident that Lino Farrugia has a wrong understanding of freedom of speech and expression, that opinions differing from his views can be aired without his consent. Facebook is a public social communication medium, and therefore anyone can publish opinions as long as these are in line with national laws. I hope that Mr Herrera will reply to his complain and explain him that these requests can not be followed up in a democratic society.
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