Australian Senate seeks public opinion on loot boxes

The Australian Senate has announced an enquiry into the contentious issue of loot boxes in video games. The Senate is also seeking public opinion on the matter.

This has become a matter of debate in a number of countries. While some countries conclude that the practice of loot games amounts to gambling, some other countries have taken a more charitable approach.

Australian senators are determined to dig deep on the issue.

 “I have significant concerns about the adequacy of current consumer protection and regulatory frameworks for monetised game mechanics, particularly when we know they are accessible to children,” Senator Steele-John said in a release last week.

“An incredible number of popular big name titles incorporate these kinds of monetised game mechanics, not as a way of improving in-game experience, but as a way of simply prying more money off of their players.”

Kotaku posted an excellent guide to getting your voice heard, and you can learn more on the Making a Submission website, but the simplest way is to simply email the committee’s secretariat. Submissions close on the 27th of July.


Source: Latest News on European Gaming Media Network…

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