Government eco-grant should be also given to products bought from other E.U. countries

Ordinance 135 published in the Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ Malta of the 9th
 February 2006 states that the "Once-Only Grant on the Purchase of
Photovoltaic Systems for Domestic Use and on the Purchase of Thermal
Roof Insulation Materials for Roofs of Domestic Residences" is only
applicable for installations purchased from Malta. 

This is not acceptable as it is against the freedom of movements of
goods and it creates a disadvantage to European companies who wishes
to retail their energy saving systems on the Maltese market.

Any systems purchased in one of the countries of the E.U. should be
qualified for a grant. 

Any effort should be made to encourage the population to invest in alternative 
energy in order to contribute on a personal level to the reduction of the 
global warming.

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