Paddy Power initiates campaign against Russian Olympic team

Putin MedalsPaddy Power has initiated an advertising stunt at the Russian Embassy in Kensington, West London, after the Russian Olympic team were left facing a blanket ban from appearing in Rio 2016 next month.

The IOC may still be exploring legal options regarding the possibility of introducing the ban, but that hasn’t stopped the bookmaker from pressing ahead with a campaign which provides a ‘medal amnesty’ box and the caption ‘Putin Your Medals: No Questions Asked’. It is rumoured that a skier, diver and sprinter are the first to use the box.

The stunt is based on the potential IOC disciplinary action for those named in the McLaren Report, including officials from the Russian sports ministry.

The independent report conducted by Richard McLaren is based on official documents, emails and tests which found that Russian officials were behind the program to enhance performance by Russian athletes, by replacing dirty urine test samples with clean ones.

A spokesman for Paddy Power said: “Turns out those pesky Russians have been Putin dodgy stuff into their bodies – and the government were in on it.

“That was a very Vlad decision, but we are offering them a chance to put things right. I imagine we’ll see athletes Russian to our drop-off point this week.”

(Image Credit)

Source: SBC News

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