Perform Group gains NFL Game Pass for global territories

Simon Denyer

Sports content and media provider Perform Group has announced that it has reached an agreement with the NFL to distribute its digital subscription produce ‘NFL Game Pass’ to ‘global territories’ outside the US and Europe.

Agreeing on a multi-year agreement, Perform will gain exclusive rights to broadcast NFL Game Pass content which includes Monday, Thursday and Sunday Night games. Its service will also air the NFL playoffs and the league’s Super Bowl championship game.

As an NFL broadcast partner, Perform informed that it would move to ‘accelerate’ the distribution of NFL Game Pass content outside of the US and Europe expanding the league’s fan base globally.

Updating the market Simon Denyer, Perform Group CEO said, “Perform is delighted to be broadening our relationship with the NFL. We are committed to a long-term collaboration that will benefit both the sport and its fans. We are excited to work together to grow the brand for audiences across the globe.”

Confirming its strategic media relationship, Perform detailed that its NFL Game Pass coverage covers over 100 countries and territories, including markets such as Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Hong Kong, India, Israel, Japan, Mexico, New Zealand, South Korea, and Turkey.

Mark Waller, NFL EVP of International & Events said, “We are thrilled to be collaborating with the Perform Group in some of our priority global markets to drive distribution and consumption of our key media offerings across a range of platforms. This is a mutually exciting opportunity to better serve the NFL’s growing global fan base.”

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