Start of NFL Season Sparks Record Breaking U.S. Sports Betting Numbers

Start of NFL Season Sparks Record Breaking U.S. Sports Betting Numbers

The first four weeks of the NFL season have seen records in sports betting volume being shattered in the United States. With more states offering legal sports betting, the first month of the season has recorded the highest number of geolocation transactions, according to GeoComply data. GeoComply supports almost 100% of the US online sports betting market for geolocation compliance.

According to the GeoComply data following an official press release, 330 million geolocation transactions took place across 18 states and the District of Columbia in the first four weeks of the season up until October 3.

This accounts for a 122% increase compared to the period of the 2020 NFL season. During that time 149 million transactions were processed.

A 122% year-on-year in transactions

Unsurprisingly, the states with the highest volume of transactions were New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Arizona and Illinois. Sportsbetting and other online gaming activities have been well under way for some time now.

The top 5 traditional sportsbetting states still going strong

In the press release, Managing Director of Gaming at GeoComply, Lindsay Slader, commented on their data:

“We’re excited to see the growth of sports betting from the first NFL weekend has carried over to the first four weeks of the season. The data also confirms the first week in Arizona was not just a one-off, but that the state has solidified its place as the fourth largest sports betting market in the U.S. With more states poised to come online in the coming weeks and months, we expect growth will continue to accelerate through 2021 and 2022.”

GeoComply have said to continue to provide periodic updates in the 2021/2022 sports calendar to help provide clear insights on the U.S. sports betting industry.

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Source: igaming